Coldwell Banker Access Realty Blog

Service in our Communities

Helping others in Our Community
Posted by Coldwell Banker Access Realty on February 12, 2021 in  Community  Company Announcements  Development  Giving Back
Here are just some of the ways we give back to our community: ·        Adopt a Pet - Brunswick ·        Bake Sale to raise funds for a deserving family - Macon ·        Truth be Told art class to raise funds for a deserving family -Macon ·        Feed a family for Thanksgiving – All areas ·        Make ... read more

2020 Year in Review - Coldwell Banker Access Realty

An Amazing Year of Change, Growth, and Service to Others
Posted by Thomas C. Woiwode on February 09, 2021 in  Company Announcements  Development  Trends
Our tradition is to begin each new year with a “Kick-off” meeting, having all our affiliates join in one location.  As we have grown, this becomes a bigger challenge, and the pandemic prevents us from doing this in 2021.  Tom Woiwode, Broker and Co-owner spent the past week in each region we serve sharing the milestones of 2020 and what lies ahead for the brokerage and the real estate industry in 2021. 2020 – A Year of Change We started 2020 on the heels of a merger with Coldwell Banker... read more

Happy Birthday Coldwell Banker Access Realty

Platinum Partners & SSK, Realtors are now Access Realty
Posted by Robert Poulsen on March 03, 2020 in  Company Announcements  Development  Dislcosure  Real Estate
By Any Other Name: Platinum Partners & SSK, Realtors to Become Access Realty Savannah, GA, 3/3/2020Coldwell Banker Platinum Partners and Coldwell Banker SSK, Realtors announced this week that the newly-combined company will officially be changing its name to Coldwell Banker Access Realty as of March 3, 2020. The new name reflects the evolving focus and standards of the company; Coldwell Banker Access Realty, with 13 offices and over 300 agents in 2 States can provide more Access: ACCESS to real estate • A... read more
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