Coldwell Banker Access Realty Blog

Recapping the Real Estate of the Union (repost from Coldwell Banker Blue Matter Blog)

Check out the advice that Coldwell Banker’s® CEO shared for home buyers + sellers to help navigate the real estate market.
Posted by Robert Poulsen on May 08, 2020 in  Company Announcements  Homes  Interest Rates  Real Estate  Trends
GUSTAVO GONZALEZ APR 16, 2020 SHARE Ryan Gorman, President and CEO of Coldwell Banker hosted a “Real Estate of the Union” live event via Microsoft Teams. If you missed it, the video and audio (take your pick!) recording have been posted below along with some key takeaways! The session covered everything home buyers and home sellers need to know about real estate during COVID-19.   Video Podcast on Spotify Key Takeaways Health and safety for everyone are number one?. Talk to a l... read more
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